Andre Prince

There are at least a million authors walking the Earth right now.  I'm #475869.  In all seriousness, though, I write books with strong mental health representation, because I do not believe that (out of all those authors) there is enough fiction involving the very real aspects of mental illness.  I have dealt with these struggles, both as someone who worked in the industry, and as a patient myself. Through my experiences I have learned important lessons about what does and does not help someone in these difficult situations. Through this short book, and the three that will follow, it is my goal to represent mental health in a more positive (and dare I say "heroic") light, while also utilizing an engaging supernatural / fantasy story to bring in readers who may not be familiar with these very real issues.  Thank you for coming to my page.  I hope that my work can help you, or someone that you care about. 


Book I

Madness is not what you think. Newlyweds Pete and Natalie Bishop, have their lives turned upside down, when one of them is struck suddenly with a mental health crisis. Their will, as well as their love for one another is tested as they struggle to navigate the many challenges of mental illness. But all is not quite what it seems. Unbeknownst to...

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